DC FLY-IN: Chamber, Local Leaders Travel to Meetings in Washington, DC

The Chamber delegation of Albuquerque business leaders and representatives of the City and Bernalillo County talks with Senator Ben Ray Luján about developments on Capitol Hill that will affect New Mexico.


A delegation of Chamber and local leaders just returned from a multi-day trip to Washington, DC for a jam-packed schedule of meetings with the New Mexico congressional delegation and other important leaders.

The Chamber delegation meets with Senator Martin Heinrich.

The annual trip was attended by members of the Chamber business community as well as representatives from the City of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. Over the course of three days, the group sat down with each of the five members of New Mexico’s congressional delegation: Congresspeople Melanie Stansbury, Gabe Vasquez and Teresa Leger Fernandez, and Senators Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Luján.

Left: The Chamber delegation meets with Senator Martin Heinrich. Right: The group talks with Congressman Gabe Vasquez.

At each meeting, they discussed issues that are timely and important for Albuquerque and for New Mexico more broadly. Rep. Vasquez made clear to the group that securing federal investments into Kirtland Air Force Base were a priority for him. He also discussed the ongoing social issue of fentanyl – New Mexico isn’t alone in fighting to get the deadly drug off our streets.

The group talks with Congressman Gabe Vasquez.


Sen. Luján said writing in language for the victims of 2022’s Hermits Peak and Calf Canyon fires was a focal point for him, as well as increasing available funding for broadband across the state. And he shared that even though he got legislation passed two years ago to require anti-DWI technology in new vehicles, he has been fighting since 2021 to get the requirements laid out in the rulemaking process. He encouraged the group to reach out to him with any challenges in building the Rail Trail, the seven-mile pedestrian and cycling pathway that will link many of Albuquerque’s most popular and iconic sites.

Sen. Heinrich laid out some of his earmarks and funding requests for the group, which include investments in workforce development for the higher education institutions that enable our workforce to be prepared for new opportunities in a changing global economy. Nimbleness is critical, he noted.

Education was also an important theme in the group’s conversation with Rep. Leger Fernandez, who sits on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. She discussed a request for support for early childhood education, as well as a key bill to boost upskilling and a bipartisan Pell Grant proposal.

Rep. Stansbury highlighted her health care priorities, like boosting strained emergency services. She also outlined her efforts to fight homelessness and food insecurity, as well as Congress’ work to get more police officers on the streets to improve public safety.

The group also used the opportunity to thank each elected official for their support for new funding for the federal Charter School Program, which issues grants for new and growing public charter schools in New Mexico. New Mexico’s award of $52 million will help create more school choice statewide, especially in parts of the state that currently don’t offer families as many free options.

At each of these meetings, the elected official was not only present for the meeting – a stroke of luck for the Chamber delegation, given the irregular schedule of House and Senate votes – but was extremely generous with their time. They took their time in discussing the challenging issues at the forefront of New Mexicans’ minds, and in explaining some of the more complex congressional procedures.

The Chamber delegation also met with leaders of national organizations, including the American Enterprise Institute, the National Alliance for Charter Schools and the U.S. Chamber, for briefings on the nationwide trends they’re monitoring.

During their trip, participants also took in the sights, like the Library of Congress for a special behind-the-scenes tour that including climbing the staircase featured in “National Treasure: Book of Secrets” and a look at the Gutenberg Bible, along with plenty of walking around the nation’s capital, decorated for the holidays.

“This is an important annual trip for the Chamber,” said Chamber President and CEO Terri Cole. “It gives us the opportunity to share our priorities with federal leaders, like New Mexico’s representatives on Capitol Hill, and it helps us stay connected with our partners in local government.”

We’re so pleased our whirlwind fly-in was so productive – many thanks to our Chamber delegation and our City and County attendees for their thoughtful participation in these important conversations. We’re looking forward to continuing this dialogue with our congressional delegation throughout the year!

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