Community News

Follow the Chamber’s work and stay up to speed on important news affecting our local economy and your business.

News and Updates

The Chamber’s “blog,” used to post short articles about the Chamber’s advocacy efforts, events, and programs, as well as the latest news and opinion pieces about important community issues – including economic development, public safety, and education.

Chamber Connection Newsletter

Our bi-weekly e-newsletter – billed as a “one-minute read” – that provides information about upcoming Chamber events, program deadlines, new investors, investor anniversaries, and major announcements from Chamber companies.

Investor Deals and Announcements

This bi-weekly listing of current and upcoming business and professional development opportunities, sales, promotions, and major announcements is exclusively available as another benefit to our investors.

The Legislative Roundup

From the start of the New Mexico legislative session in January until its conclusion, the Chamber publishes a nightly, up-to-the-minute legislative recap – heralded as a “must-read” by Roundhouse watchers and local businesses – that keeps investors and allies apprised of what’s going on in the Legislature.

Breaking News and Calls to Action

hen major news breaks that affects the business community or a significant action is taken by the Legislature, City Council, or other public body, the Chamber sends alerts to its investors to ensure they are well-informed.  Additionally, prior to key votes or decisions on public policy matters that might impact economic growth in our city and state, the Chamber sends “call-to-action” emails that urge businesses to make contact with particular elected officials.


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