DOUBLE DUTY: Del Esparza serving terms as chair of both Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City branch, Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce

Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce chair and Esparza Digital + Advertising CEO Del Esparza is recognized for his role as chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Denver Branch for 2025.

On Jan. 22, Del Esparza, Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce chair and Esparza Digital + Advertising CEO, was designated as chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Denver Branch for 2025.

The Denver branch represents Wyoming, Colorado and northern New Mexico. The branch is part of the 10th Federal Reserve Bank District, which is based in Kansas City.

Esparza is part of the Federal Open Market Committee, which determines the rate that banks can borrow against the Fed, which correlates to consumers’ rates on real estate, car purchases and other interest rates. He is expected to participate in the first meeting this week.

Esparza told the Journal that New Mexico’s economy is different from other states in the 10th District because many workers are employed by a government agency, and many of the businesses are considered small with 50 employees or less.

“They tend to be a little bit more sensitive to any discussion on tariffs or taxes,” he said. “A small business is going to feel the impact far quicker than a larger business.”

He said his work for the Albuquerque Chamber will help him on the Fed board.

“You try to surround yourself with talented individuals. And I’ve been able to do that, I have a great team that does a lot helping manage as far as digital advertising,” he said. “So … I’m able to spend time on some of these boards, giving back.”

Read the full story here.

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