A few minutes ago, the House Government, Elections and Indian Affairs Committee gave HJR 3, the so-called Green Amendment, a do-pass without recommendation by a party line vote of 6-3, D’s in favor, R’s opposed. If approved by voters, the New Mexico Constitution would be amended to include very broad and vague language allegedly guaranteeing environment rights. The measure was opposed by GACC and many business interests in the state.
Terri Cole, GACC President and CEO, put it this way, “The Green Amendment is a bad idea. The worst kind of law that can be passed is the law of unintended consequences. And this bill is the poster child for unintended consequences. As the FIR points out, executive agencies and the Attorney General’s Office are deeply concerned about the conflicts HJR 3 poses and the potential for costly and time-consuming litigation.”
We will continue our opposition to the measure and keep you posted. The bill next moves to the House Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Committee.