HB 11, the onerous Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (PFMLA), will be heard before the House Health and Human Services Committee on Monday morning at 8 a.m. We need you to contact members of the committee to express your opposition to this burdensome bill. Click here to go to the committee page – scroll down to the members of the committee. Click on any member’s name, and it will take you to their page which, will give you their phone number and email address.

The Chamber will be present to register our opposition. Our main concerns are:

  • The imposition of a new tax on employees and employers; and in the case of employers, they would be forced to pay twice – first as they make payments to the state for each employee they hire, and second when they have to deal with lengthy and frequent staffing disruptions.
  • The continued provision of such a large amount of leave (three months!) for such a wide range of reasons for such a wide range of people, creating incredible instability and administrative challenges in the workplace.
  • The ease with which this new government program could be abused.
  • And the lack of confidence that a new, giant state bureaucracy would be equipped to effectively administer and fairly oversee the program.

HB 11 is sponsored by Reps. Christine Chandler (D-Los Alamos, Sandoval and Santa Fe) and Patricia Roybal-Caballero (D-Bernalillo) along with Senate President Pro Tempore Mimi Stewart (D-Bernalillo). This is without question the most business-unfriendly legislation of the session. Please take time to register your opposition.

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