Albuquerque Reads Volunteer Spotlights: Join Leaders From Across the Community as an ABQ Reads Literacy Tutor

Albuquerque Reads, the Chamber’s partnership with Albuquerque Public Schools to pair reading tutors from the community with students at some of the highest-needs elementary schools, is preparing to launch an expansion to cover both kindergarten and first grade students at Whittier Elementary. While the program continues to recruit new tutors for this expansion, here are some spotlights on those who are already giving back to their community:

Senior Airman Nicole Scott (above) says that her grandmother was a teacher, and that she believes in her giving her time, and that the military believes strongly in community outreach and volunteering. Nicole describes tutoring with ABQ Reads is an “awesome experience! All the staff were super friendly. The kids were really fun to be around, and I really liked seeing them learn and absorb everything.”
Senior Airman Nicole Scott (above) says that her grandmother was a teacher, and that she believes in her giving her time, and that the military believes strongly in community outreach and volunteering. Nicole describes tutoring with ABQ Reads is an “awesome experience! All the staff were super friendly. The kids were really fun to be around, and I really liked seeing them learn and absorb everything.”
Retiree: Arnel Oczon, is a retired professional who has volunteered with ABQ Reads for the last three years and says, "I want to give back to the community. I was fortunate to be in a good profession mainly due to a good education. I was pretty much disinterested until the 4th grade, and somehow I got the right teacher to jump start me. It's important for me to help struggling students, since I was in that situation.
Retiree: Arnel Oczon, is a retired professional who has volunteered with ABQ Reads for the last three years and says, “I want to give back to the community. I was fortunate to be in a good profession mainly due to a good education. I was pretty much disinterested until the 4th grade, and somehow I got the right teacher to jump start me. It’s important for me to help struggling students, since I was in that situation.
 Charlotte Otero-Goodwin is a current professional with the Public Service Company of New Mexico, and has been volunteering with the program for several years.

Charlotte Otero-Goodwin is a current professional with the Public Service Company of New Mexico, and has been volunteering with the program for several years.

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