BREAKING NEWS: Senate Adjourns sine die

The Senate has adjourned sine die.

The session is over.

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EDUCATING THE COMMUNITY: ABQ Reads Chair Michelle Donaldson talks about APS literacy program

Albuquerque Reads, a program of the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, relies on its many volunteer tutors to help some of our youngest students gain ...
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READING IS ‘FUN’DAMENTAL: Albuquerque Reads seeks volunteer tutors for school year

Albuquerque Reads, a program of the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, relies on its many volunteer tutors to help some of our youngest students gain ...
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CREATING A NEW AVENUE: Indian Pueblo Cultural Center opens entrepreneur complex

On Aug. 23, the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center (IPCC) opened the Indian Pueblo Entrepreneur Complex (IPEC). IPEC’s Commercial Kitchen will focus on supporting those in ...
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