Like many Chambers of Commerce across the country, the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce is in the business of promoting the business environment of its members. However, the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce is also in the business of advocating on behalf of its investors, lobbying for regulatory and legislative changes that are beneficial to the growth and diversity of our region’s private sector. One vehicle for achieving these changes is through our Economic Development Teams (EDTs).
We advocate for our investors.
Participants in these EDTs are drawn from Chamber staff and Board members along with members of allied organizations and trade associations, industry experts, and leaders within the government. Working sector by sector, EDTs have become a primary means of highlighting issues that make their way into the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce’s comprehensive lobbying and agenda-shaping efforts in Santa Fe. Five EDTs meet to explore specific challenges within their respective industries and make recommendations for public policy remedies.

The six Economic Development Teams and their respective chairs:

Banking and Financial Services
Audit and Accounting
Legal and Other Professional Services
Chair: Brett Thompson

Design and Construction
Real Estate – Commercial/Residential
Chair: Frank Gallegos
Education Services and Schools
Nonprofit Organizations
Advocacy, Public Affairs/Relations
Chair: Scott Hindman
Excellent Schools New Mexico

Energy and Utilities
Information Technology
Tech/Innovation and Aviation/Space
Chair: Ryan Shell
New Mexico Gas Company

Retail and Services
Leisure, Recreation, and Hospitality
Vehicle Rentals and Sales
Chair: Mike Canfield
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center

Healthcare and Senior Services
Chair: Kate Becker
UNM Hospitals