A NEW DAY AT THE RAIL YARDS: City’s Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency Seeking Proposals for North Entrance

Revitalizing the centrally located and historically significant Albuquerque Rail Yards has been one of the core priorities of the Chamber and other groups seeking a transformed downtown. So it is a welcome and exciting development that the City of Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency has issued a Request for Expression of Interest in the Northern Entrance to the Rail Yards.

“Turning the Rail Yards into an economically dynamic and exciting part of our city is one of the top priorities of the Chamber’s Downtown Transformation Bold Issue Group, and it’s encouraging to see the city make progress toward that goal,” said Chamber President and CEO Terri Cole.

In addition to aligning with the goals of the Rail Yards Master Plan, project proposals should prioritize:

“Catalytic Activation of the Rail Yards” to drive additional people and economic activity to the Rail Yards;

Creation of a unique synergy with existing uses, including the CNM Film School and surrounding neighborhoods; and

Inclusion of local, small, minority, women and disadvantaged business enterprises.

Proposals are due to the city July 17, 2020; for more information, including maps, building profiles, and environmental surveys, click here.

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