LAST CHANCE FOR A FANTASTIC TRIP: Roadrunners set to visit Enchanted Circle on Sept. 18-20; deadline is Aug. 30

It’s that time of year when the Chamber is loading up the bus for a great Roadrunner trip, and we want to extend an invitation for you to join us this year to the Enchanted Circle in northern New Mexico, Sept. 18-20.

“The Roadrunners trip is one of my favorite programs,” says Del Esparza, Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce chairman of the board and founder and president of Esparza Digital + Advertising. “I can’t wait to get on the bus and meet fellow New Mexicans!”

Roadrunner Chairman Kevin Eades, president and CEO of Molzen Corbin, adds, “I am so proud to be chairing this for the Chamber. I’m always more excited about our state and its people when I get to see all it has to offer firsthand.”

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