“COME OUT AND EAT”: Chamber Joins Mayor Keller, Talks Masks and Fund to Help Restaurants

This past Saturday, Chamber President and CEO Terri Cole joined Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller at a press conference announcing supports for local restaurants, speaking about the Chamber’s mask awareness campaign and the need to support local businesses that are “hanging by a thread” during the COVID-19 pandemic. The mayor announced expanded outdoor seating options at local restaurants and offered up to $200,000 in funding from the City’s Economic Development Department to support businesses expanding their outdoor dining options. Indoor dining is no longer allowed in New Mexico under the latest state public health orders.

Ms. Cole spoke to the serious economic adversity facing New Mexico’s business community, and the need to keep businesses healthy and workers employed by supporting local businesses, both through reducing the spread of COVID-19 through wearing masks and other public health measures and through direct support to businesses.

For more coverage of the press conference, please click here.

Representative Debbie Armstrong — Chair of the House Health and Human Services Committee — helps promote the Chamber's mask campaign

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